About Us
Paternoster Periodicals is the publisher of the following, highly respected, Christian journals:
- European Journal of Theology
- Evangelical Quarterly
- Evangelical Review of Theology
- Science and Christian Belief
Please click on the individual titles, to the right and below, for more information on to subscribe.
European Journal of Theology

This unique journal reflects the new Europe. Founded and edited with the aid of scholars and church leaders from many European countries, it offers to ministers, students and theologians a new European focus for their theology...
Evangelical Quarterly

This well-established academic journal includes articles on a wide variety of biblical and theological topics. Books of current interest are reviewed in depth by well-known scholars. Edited in association with the London School of Theology...
Evangelical Review of Theology

Published on behalf of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship. Some issues contain articles and reviews selected from publications worldwide for an international readership whilst others contain original material with a thematic focus...
Science and Christian Belief

Science and Christian Belief, sponsored by Christians in Science and the Victoria Institute, offers an important resource to all whose interests extend across the boundary between science and religion...