

CURRICULUM VITAE Prof Roland Deines, University of Nottingham

1961 Born in Herrenberg, Germany
1980 Abitur (High school final examination)
1980–1981 Army service

Study of Protestant Theology at the “Freie Evangelisch-Theologische Akademie” in Basel, Switzerland.
Final degree: “Lizentiat der Theologie” (after 5 years of full-time study)


Further studies in Theology at the Universities of Basel and Tübingen (Germany)
Final degree: “Diplom-Theologe”


Graduate Research Student, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (DAAD-scholarship)


Research assistant, Institutum Judaicum, University of Tübingen


Assistant pastor (curate), Protestant Church of Württemberg
1997 Ordination

1997 Dr. theol., University of Tübingen
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Hengel
Title of thesis: Die Pharisäer im Spiegel christlicher und juedischer Forschung seit Wellhausen und Graetz (ca. 1860–1940)
Grade: summa cum laude
1997–1998 Research assistant, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, Jerusalem
1998–1999 Teaching assistant, University of Tübingen
1999–2001 DFG-Scholarship
2001–2006 Project coordinator Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti, Theological Faculty, University of Jena
2003–2005 Guest lecturer for three semesters, Ben Gurion-University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel and responsible for “The Deichmann Program for Jewish and Christian Literature of the Hellenistic-Roman Era”, appointed as Adjunct Associate Professor at Ben Gurion-University of the Negev for the academic period 2005/06–2008/09
2004 Habilitation, University of Tübingen
Title of thesis: Die Gerechtigkeit der Tora im Reich des Messias.
Studien zu Matthäus 5,13–20
2004–2006 Privatdozent, University of Tübingen
2006–2007 Lecturer in New Testament, University of Nottingham
2008 Associate Professor and Reader in NT, University of Nottingham
since 2009 Professor of New Testament Studies, University of Nottingham
I have been married to my wife Renate for 28 years and we have one son, Rouven, who is now 15 years old.